I recently moved to a new machine and while attempting to debug a UWP app in the Windows 10 Mobile emulator, I came across the following error message:

I couldn’t find any information on this 0x800705AA error, but I eventually tracked this to be caused by the fact Hyper-V was using the machine GPU with RemoteFX!
The easiest way to fix this I found was to just disable RemoteFX; to do so, follow these steps:
- open Hyper-V Manager (just press Win+R, type
and hit Enter) - on the left pane, right-click the machine name and then click “Hyper-V Settings”
- on the tree, select “Physical GPUs”
- untick “Use this GPU with RemoteFX” and click OK

After disabling RemoveFX, remove any Windows 10 Mobile emulator from the “Virtual Machines” list (Visual Studio will re-create these) and just deploy from Visual Studio again and you should now be able to launch the emulator!