Making the case for XAML Markup Extensions

Consider the following code:

<AppBarButton Content="Send" Icon="Send" />

In the above example, the AppBarButton.Icon property above is set to “Send” which is actually a value of the Symbol enumeration.

The Symbol enumeration is quite useful to quickly access glyphs from the Segoe MDL2 Assets font file, but this is a limited subset; a more complete list of the available glyphs can be found here.

If you want to use one of the symbols from that list that is not part of the Symbol enumeration, you need to escape the unicode point by prefixing it with ”&#x” and suffixing with ”;“.

For example, the unicode point for the “WindowsInsider” (Ninja Cat) glyph is “F1AD”, so the complete escaped code is ”&#xF1AD;”

In an ideal world, one would just use it like this:

<!-- this doesn't work! -->
<AppBarButton Content="Ninja Cat" Icon="&#xF1AD;" />

However, you will quickly realize that this doesn’t work!

The correct way is by using the FontIcon class and specifying both the font family name and the escaped glyph unicode point:

<!-- this works! -->
<AppBarButton Content="Ninja Cat">
<FontIcon FontFamily="Segoe MDL2 Assets" Glyph="&#xF1AD;" />

MarkupExtension to the rescue!

Introduced in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (v10.0.16299.0), the MarkupExtension class allows developers to write markup shortcodes just like the native {Binding}, {StaticResource}, or {x:Bind}.

To create a XAML markup extension, create a new class and ensure that it:

  • inherits from MarkupExtension
  • overrides the MarkupExtension.ProvideValue to provide the implementation
  • is marked with the MarkupExtensionReturnTypeAttribute and specifies the return type
  • has a name ending in “Extension”.

Following on our example, we can easily create a MarkupExtension that would return a FontIcon instance for a given glyph unicode point:

[MarkupExtensionReturnType(ReturnType = typeof(FontIcon))]
public class FontIconExtension : MarkupExtension
public string Glyph { get; set; }

protected override object ProvideValue()
return new FontIcon()
Glyph = Glyph,
FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe MDL2 Assets")

Having this on our code, we can then use it in XAML just like this:

<!-- this works just fine! -->
<AppBarButton Icon="{local:FontIcon Glyph='&#xF1AD;'}" />

In the end, we went from 5 lines of XAML code to just 1!
